
Aria was dumped outside our refuge in December 2021 at only a few weeks old with her two sisters. We found her by chance- it was the dead of the night in the pouring rain. Little Aria was hiding in a plastic bag; cold and alone.

Aria has grown up in our refuge, and was bottle fed by humans as sadly, her mother was no where to be seen after her abandonment on our front door. We assume the people that dropped her in the plastic bag on her door are the ones who separated her from her mother. While she had such a tragic start to life, she has always been an extremely happy and social girl- which is why we have nicknamed her the social butterfly! She is always the first to greet you, and she will not leave your side- there is nothing better than human companionship for our sweet Aria. She loves big cuddles and giving her human friends lots of kisses! She is leash trained and gets on very well with both people and other dogs.

Could you give Aria the forever home she deserves?

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This dog is searching for a home.
This dog is still searching for a monthly sponsor.
