
„Trying To Be Strong“

Memphis was rescued from a mass killing in Chefchaouen along with Gina, Herbie and Chicco. She shared a territory with them as a little puppy without a mother. Fortunately, we were able to bring Memphis to safety in time and she escaped a terrible fate. 

Memphis has beautiful eyes and you can see how hard her life must have been as a puppy alone on the streets. Mama Gina shared her territory back then with little Memphis. Memphis was hard to catch but we knew we can’t lose time because the dog catcher was just around the corner waiting to take them violently with him. We made it in time and packed Memphis into our car and brought her to the refuge. Memphis was bullied when she grew up by other dogs and we tried as good as possible to protect her. For this reason, she sometimes feels the need to assert herself, but she always remains fair. She had to be strong. Otherwise, Memphis gets along well with the dogs in her kennel. Memphis isn’t afraid of people and walks well on a leash. She so badly wants to belong and to please, though she can sometimes be a bit clumsy about it. She enjoys playing with friendly dogs and is a sweet dog. She has a beautiful brindle coat, and we can’t understand why Memphis has never had an inquiry.

Memphis was likely born in July 2021 and has been hoping for a loving home to teach her the basics of being a dog.

Do you want to help our Dogs?

This dog is searching for a home.
This dog is still searching for a monthly sponsor.
